2022-04-26: News Headlines

Aaron Maté (2022-04-26). US weapons, European supplicants block peace in Ukraine. thegrayzone.com Richard Sakwa, scholar and author of "Frontline Ukraine", on the obstacles to peace in Ukraine. As the Russia-Ukraine war opens a new phase in the Donbas, scholar Richard Sakwa on the absence of diplomacy; the Western media's veneration of Zelensky; the European Union's self-implosion over the war; and the crackdown on dissent in both Ukraine and Russia. Guest: Richard Sakwa. Professor of Russian and European politics at the University of Kent. His books include "Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands" …

ecns.cn (2022-04-26). White House says efforts needed to fix 'broken' U.S. immigration system. ecns.cn The White House said Monday that the U.S. immigration system is "broken" and has been "long overdue to be fixed."

Staff (2022-04-26). Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla a Con Filo: Esta Cumbre de las Américas no es nada democrática (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Este lunes, tras las declaraciones ofrecidas por el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla a la prensa nacional y extranjera, el titular concedió una entrevista al programa Con Filo, donde abordó asuntos como la migración y la exclusión de Cuba de los preparativos de la próxima Cumbre de las Américas.

Jocelyn McMillan (2022-04-26). Job Discrimination Against Immigrants. indybay.org Discrimination against immigrants in the workplace. Taking a closer look at the issue and solutions to ensure undocumented workers their safety and health.

teleSUR, ldp, JL (2022-04-26). México rescata a 5.000 migrantes de 36 países en su territorio. telesurtv.net Entre los miles de migrantes, fueron rescatados 200 niños sin acompañantes.

_____ (2022-04-25). Myanmar Violence: a Slow Burn US Proxy War. journal-neo.org The ongoing violence in Myanmar may have faded into the background of global media coverage as much more intense conflict shapes up within and along Ukraine's borders in Eastern Europe and as Washington raises the prospect of direct conflict with China in Asia. However, Myanmar's conflict serves as a point of destabilization which may impact …

José Luis Granados Ceja (2022-04-25). Maduro Warns of Plot by Colombia's Duque to Kill Venezuelan Security Forces and Sow Unrest at Border. venezuelanalysis.com Maduro said Duque was motivated by his desire to hurt Venezuela's improved economy before the end of his presidential term.

Anonymous103 (2022-04-25). In Video 21+: Russian Forces Destroyed Ukrainian Positions In Kherson Region. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | In the southern Ukrainian regions, clashes continue in the border area of the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. According to various reports, the front line follows the Black Sea — Alexandrovka — Snigirevka — Velikaya Alexandrovka — Ivanovka — the Dnieper River line. | Fierce clashes continue in the village of Alexandrovka in the west of the Kherson region. On April 21, the Ukrainian Armed Forces claimed that they had repelled an attack by the Russian Armed Force…

_____ (2022-04-25). President Maduro: Duque Plans Military Strikes In Venezuela. popularresistance.org The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, denounced this Saturday in the framework of the V Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), his Colombian counterpart Iván Duque of orchestrating a plan to assassinate police and military in the Caribbean country. | "Iván Duque is leaving and is desperate to harm Venezuela, he has activated plans with criminal gangs by states and infiltrating through the border, mafia groups that come to attack police and military, the Venezuelan public force", warned the president. | At the same time, the Venezuelan head of state asserted that the intelligence is gath…

Staff (2022-04-25). President Maduro: Colombian President Duque Plans to Assassinate Police and Military Agents in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com This Saturday, April 23, President Nicolás Maduro warned Venezuelan society of the plans of outgoing president of the Colombian regime, Iván Duque, to assassinate Venezuelan police and military personnel, as well as to attack police and military posts, before August 7, the day his presidential term ends. | The head of state said: "Iván Duque leaves office on August 7, and he is irritated and desperate to harm Venezuela between now and August 7. Iván Duque has activated plans with criminals and criminal gangs of the [Colombian] state and introducing infiltrators along the border, along the paths, groups of mafioso…

Staff (2022-04-25). Baku, Yerevan agree to meet for possible peace treaty talks. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Apr. 25 (MNA) — The foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia on Monday agreed to hold meetings on a joint border commission and working group over a possible peace treaty.

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-04-25). Over 460 kg of heroin confiscated at Mirjaveh border. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Apr. 25 (MNA) — Legal Deputy of Iran's Customs announced on Monday that 468 kilograms of heroin were confiscated in Mirjaveh county in Sistan and Baluchestan Province.

C.J. Atkins (2022-04-25). Le Pen defeated in France, but far right gains ground. peoplesworld.org For the third time in 20 years, the anti-immigrant far right has been blocked from winning the French presidency at the last minute, leaving many breathing a sigh of relief. But with Marine Le Pen scoring the highest total ever for the extreme right—41.5% against incumbent President Emmanuel Macron's 58.5%—the French Communist Party is warning …

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