2022-11-30: News Headlines

WSWS (2022-11-30). NATO summit vows to continue troop surge to Russia's borders. wsws.org NATO has "increased our presence on the ground, we have more presence in the air," said Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg ahead of the meeting.

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). Military Situation In Iraq On November 29, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On November 29, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia Al-Sudani met with Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, President of Iran and Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in Tehran; | Several trucks belonging to the US-led coalition entered Syria from the border of Iraqi Kurdistan through the illegal al-Walid crossing; | One Turkish serviceman was killed during the Operation Claw Lock in northern Iraq, according to the Turkish MOD. | MORE ON THE TOPI…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). NATO Running Out Of Weapons For Kiev Regime. southfront.org "If this [increased weapons deliveries] does not happen, we won't be able to win — as simple as that," Dmytro Kuleba, the Kiev regime chief diplomat warns. | Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst | Months before Russia launched its counteroffensive against NATO's crawling encroachment on its western borders, the political West started sending massive amounts of weapons and munitions to the Kiev regime. Initially, the deliveries primarily included tens of tho…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Central Iraqi gov. needs to control borders in Kurdish region. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei told visiting Iraqi premier that the securities of Iran and Iraq are intertwined, calling for the Iraqi government's control over the Kurdish region's borders.

_____ (2022-11-29). Meloni v. Macron — The Colonial End Game. strategic-culture.org By Tom LUONGO | Sometimes the internet being eternal works to our advantage. Recently, there's been a dustup in European politics over a three-year old video of now Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stepping on the third rail of European politics. | In that video she openly explained that colonialism in Europe isn't over and she tied it to African immigration into Europe, which Italy has born the brunt of thanks to the EU's rules which force countries to accept anyone that shows up on their shores. | The mechanism for France's dirty colonial secret is they still control fourteen West African nations through a…

The Texas Tribune (2022-11-29). Supreme Court Wrestles Over Biden's Immigration Enforcement Policy. latinorebels.com The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday on whether the Biden administration has the right to decide which undocumented immigrants federal agents should prioritize for deportation.

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-29). US Officials Pushing for Military Intervention in Haiti. news.antiwar.com Some top Biden administration officials are pushing for an international military intervention in Haiti over concerns of a migration crisis, The New York Times reported on Tuesday. The government of acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry has been under pressure over growing gang violence in the country and from demonstrators that are demanding Henry resign. Henry …

Brett Wilkins (2022-11-29). Justice Demanded After Qatari World Cup Official Admits Hundreds of Migrant Worker Deaths. commondreams.org "Until all abuses suffered by migrant workers in Qatar are remedied, the legacy of this World Cup will be severely tarnished by their mistreatment," said Amnesty International's head of economic and social justice.

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). Tuvalu, Climate Change and the Metaverse. southfront.org Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark | When lost to climatic disaster and environmental turbulence, where does a whole nation go? History speaks about movements of people, whether induced by human agency or environment, finding sanctuary and refuge on other terrains, or perishing altogether. | In the case of the Pacific Island state of Tuvalu, the response is seemingly digital or, as its officials prefer to call it, creating the Digital Nation. This particular entity, according to its government…

Manlio Dinucci (2022-11-29). Libia: l'Urlo degli Schiavi Soffocato dalle Ong al Festival dei Diritti Umani. globalresearch.ca La proiezione del docufilm L'Urlo sul dramma dei migranti schiavi in Libia, che il regista Michelangelo Severgnini era stato invitato a presentare al "Festival dei Diritti Umani" a Napoli, è stata interrotta dopo una ventina di minuti dai …

African Stream (2022-11-28). Mali Bans French NGOs, Rejecting 'Conditional Aid'. towardfreedom.org Mali has banned French NGOs from operating within its borders, reports African Stream.

Fight Back (2022-11-28). Red Theory: Socialism and the national question. fightbacknews.org The Russian Empire under the Tsar was rightly called a "prisonhouse of nations," because it oppressed, within its borders, whole nations of people. The Bolsheviks saw that it was a principal task of the socialist revolution to dismantle national oppression and support self-determination for the oppressed nations. | The United States is likewise a prisonhouse of nations, where the African American nation in the Black Belt South, the Chicano nation in the Southwest and the Hawaiian nation are all oppressed within the borders of the imperialist U.S. It will be a principal task of the socialist revolution in the U.S…

Staff (2022-11-28). NATO powerhouse Turkey has finalized plans for Syrian invasion. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com TASSNovember 28, 2022 Turkish army wrapped up preparations for ground operation in Syria — report Turkish army units near the Syrian border have wrapped up preparations for a ground operation across the border and are awaiting an order for a start, the TRT television channel said on Monday. The Turkish cabinet is planning to discuss …

Richie Merino (2022-11-28). Nicaragua's humane response to COVID-19 crisis. workers.org When Nicaragua identified its first COVID-19 case on March 18, 2020, President Daniel Ortega understood that shutting down the economy would be catastrophic for the country's informal farmworkers. In Nicaragua, three-quarters of all jobs are in farming. If workers don't work, they don't get paid. Public health care worker from . . . |

____ (2022-11-28). World Cup in Qatar Is "Deadliest Major Sporting Event" in History, Built on a Decade of Forced Labor. transcend.org 21 Nov 2022 — A look into Qatar's labor and human rights record. Minky Worden, of Human Rights Watch, describes how millions of poor migrant workers have faced deadly, forced labor conditions on the $2 billion infrastructure. By one count, 6, 0 migrant workers have died in Qatar since 2010, when it was awarded the hosting of the games.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-28). US Sanctions and Economic Conditions Drive Nicaraguan Migration. libya360.wordpress.com John Perry Blaming migration on "repressive dictatorships" allows Washington to pretend that its policies are helping Nicaraguans, when in fact they are impoverishing them. Why are more Nicaraguans heading north to the United States looking for jobs? Until July 2020, numbers were tiny. But in the last 1 Ω years numbers have increased sharply. Suddenly this…

John Perry (2022-11-28). US sanctions and economic conditions drive Nicaraguan migration, while Washington blames repression. thegrayzone.com Blaming migration on "repressive dictatorships" allows Washington to pretend that its policies are helping Nicaraguans, when in fact they are impoverishing them. This article was originally published on November 23, 2022 by COHA. Why are more Nicaraguans heading north to the United States looking for jobs? Until July 2020, numbers were tiny. But in the last 1 Ω years numbers have increased sharply. Suddenly this has become a story, and government detractors argue, with little evidence, that people are fleeing political …

Juan de Dios Sánchez Jurado (2022-11-28). A Migrant Family's Journey from Venezuela to New York City. latinorebels.com Yormaly Bulanger, a 26-year-old former accounting student from Venezuela, arrived in New York three months ago with her partner and their 5-year-old son — part of a group of 22,000 migrants, mostly Venezuelans, that have arrived in the city since April.

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