Daily Archives: June 4, 2024

2024-06-04: News Headlines

WSWS (2024-06-04). Aid operations in Gaza "on the verge of collapse" as Israel continues Rafah assault. wsws.org The Rafah border crossing has been closed for aid deliveries, while the Karem Shalom crossing from Israel has been all but inaccessible.

latintimes (2024-06-04). Democrats in tight races avoid Biden immigration crackdown event to prevent political impact. latintimes.com Even if many lawmakers in battleground states have pushed for harsher immigration measures, they avoid pictures with Biden as their poll numbers are better…

WSWS (2024-06-04). Australian Labor government ramps up anti-immigrant measures. wsws.org "Foreigners" are being blamed for the deteriorating social conditions being produced by capitalism's economic and cost-of-living crisis and the channelling of billions of dollars into military spending.

Nicholas Spiro (2024-06-04). Why Australia shouldn't pin its housing crisis on immigration. scmp.com Australia's migration-fuelled population growth has been a driving force behind increasing demand in the property sector. However, while immigration is being blamed for the housing crisis, the problem is linked more to limited supply, planning laws and the tax system…

Reuters (2024-06-04). UK's Rishi Sunak pledges to introduce immigration cap if re-elected. scmp.com British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak takes aim at one of the main issues facing the country ahead of next month's national vote.

Merrill Goozner (2024-06-04). Wall Street Is Making House Calls. levernews.com

Associated Press (2024-06-04). Brexit champion Nigel Farage makes an about-face and says he will run in the UK election. scmp.com Brexit figurehead Nigel Farage will stand at the UK general election next month, his eighth attempt to win a seat in the House of Commons.

presstv.ir (2024-06-04). Spanish farmers head towards French border to protest ahead of EU elections. presstv.ir Spanish farmers were headed towards the French border where they planned to block roads in protest ahead of the European election.

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